Meet Kirby Jenner, Kendall’s Self-Confessed Photoshopped Twin

By Arvyn B

We all know them. There’s Kim, Kourtney, Khloe, Kendall, Kylie, and Kris. Each of them is known for their style and influence on the pop culture scene. And, of course, there is also Kirby Jenner. “Who’s Kirby?” you might find yourself asking. Well, he is the twin of international model Kendall. Kirby is the lesser-known member of the Kardashian-Jenner clan. And that’s because he’s not real! Well, he is a real person, but he isn’t related to the Kardashian-Jenners. Instead, Kirby Jenner is a man who uses his mad photoshop skill to add himself to photos of Kendall. This might sound a bit weird, but trust us. The results are absolutely hilarious. Kirby Jenner has become so successful that he even had his own parody reality show.

Together forever

Turtlenecks are all the rage at the moment. They have made a pretty sizeable comeback since 1990 – even the Kardashian-Jenners are rocking them now. Of course, this famous family could never miss a good photo opportunity. Take a look!

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

We’re pretty amazed at how Kirby photoshopped himself in here. It looks almost entirely natural. He even managed to get the right shade of turtleneck and wig color! All three members of this family look truly stunning. We’re so jealous.

Cover girl

Being on the cover of a magazine is a considerable feat. But managing to get onto the cover of Vogue? That is truly one of the greatest achievements ever, and both Kendall and Kirby succeeded at this as siblings do: together.

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

Kirby even photoshopped the headlines so that it made sense! If you do not speak Turkish, the title reads “A Journey to Kendall and her muse Kirby Jenner.” The level of detail that Kirby goes to for his art is pretty impressive!

Serving it

This picture is further proof of Kirby’s crazy Photoshop skills. Just look at how he’s managed to get the lighting of this picture precisely right. He’s put a shadow of his arm on Kendall’s shoulder to make it look authentic.

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

However, there’s one thing we’re not too sure about. What on earth is up with that tie? It’s not clear if it is meant to be a bow or a tie. Either way, it looks super cute on Kendall, and Kirby copied it well.

A contortionist

As a model, you are often asked to do pretty strange poses to shine for the cameras. We are not too sure what Kendall was told to do for this picture, but it certainly looks odd. This is probably why we don’t work in the fashion industry.

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

Of course, Kirby could not let her take all of the spotlight, and managed to include himself behind her. He might not be as flexible, but he’s doing the “finger circle” game instead. Anyone looking at this picture has lost!

Denim dreams

Since Kendall is an experienced model, she often wears a lot of high-fashion clothing. Not for this picture, though! She is rocking denim dungarees with a stripy red top. Naturally, Kirby chose to wear something just as spectacular and comfy.

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

Honestly, we are not too sure who wore it best since they both look utterly fabulous. Kirby’s high-waisted jeans are a great match for Kendall’s dungarees. Either way, they both look runway-ready and are serving looks for days. Yas, queens!

What’s the joke?

Looking at this photo, Kirby must have told a hilarious, well-timed joke. Just look at how hard everyone is laughing! This photo seems to have been taken at a fashion show. Knowing Kendall, it was probably Fashion Week in Paris.

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

On his Instagram, Kirby said this was the joke: “Knock, knock / Who’s there? / Lettuce / Lettuce who? / Lettuce in, it’s FREEZING out here!!!” This joke doesn’t seem as funny as Kendall is making it out to be, so it must be his delivery.

The thrill of the thrift shop

Most of us love visiting thrift shops – you never know what you might find. You could find an adorable jacket, some nice vintage shoes, or something else entirely. Apparently, even superstars like Kendall and Kirby like to go thrifting!

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

We are on board with their thrifted fashion choices. For starters, Kendall’s giant sombrero looks hilarious on her tiny head. Plus, we’re pretty sure that Kirby’s wig is about 300 years out of style. Bonus: check out the other woman!

Rat’s all, folks!

A lot of socialites are famous for having one particular type of pet – chihuahuas. There is something about these small dogs that makes them super popular. You can see Kendall is carrying her adorable little white one with her.

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

Of course, Kirby is a different kind of celebrity. He traded out the cute puppy for a rat instead! Rats are incredibly clever animals. It makes sense for someone so gifted with Photoshop to have an intelligent pet like this.

Halloween Hilarity

Halloween is a great time of the year – mostly because you get to wear whatever crazy clothes you like. For this picture, Kendall has gone for a magician theme, complete with a top hat. We think Kirby missed the memo.

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

Check out that giraffe costume! Maybe the theme was “circus outfits,” and Kendall is the ringmaster. If so, we have to say that we love the two completely different tacks that they took. The black-and-white filter makes it so dramatic.

Jumping for Joy

For this picture, Kirby photoshopped himself in, as well as a random person on the street. He also included some rollerblades to make it even more hilarious. That certainly takes a lot of skills – we admire his work!

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

They look like they’re having a blast – all three of them. They might be a trio of best friends hanging at the park, or this could be the opening of the raddest 90s sitcom that never existed anywhere but our dreams.

So pretty

It is a fact – not everybody can rock this shade. It’s a difficult color to pull off, but you would not know that by looking at this picture. Both Kendall and Kirby managed to look perfectly pretty in pink.

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

Kirby really deserves a lot of praise for copying Kendall’s outfit. He has managed to get the shade of pink exactly right, and the style is spot-on, too, right down to the feathery trousers. He is such a talented individual!             

Silly stains

Who doesn’t love pizza? Apparently, not even models like Kendall Jenner can turn it down! She is chowing down on a slice of good old pepperoni pizza in this snap. She looks so elegant while wearing a dress from French designer Paule Ka.

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

Kirby, on the other hand…not so elegant. Check out that huge pizza stain on his jacket and his tomato-covered fingers! We have to admit that Kendall stole the show here, for sure. She looks radiant next to this messy eater!

End of the road

Here’s another high-fashion shot. This time, it seems to have been taken in the middle of a road. That didn’t stop Kirby from making it a really funny shot! We love the way he seems to be holding Kendall up.

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

His outfit complements hers in all of the right ways. From the cowboy boot to the matching suit, he’s even made his bowtie the same color as Kendal’s shirt. The level of detail that Kirby puts in is beyond impressive.

Use the force!

We know what you might be thinking – no, this is not a picture from the latest Star Wars movie! It looks like Kirby is making Kendall float using his hands. Unfortunately, this picture is just more computer trickery and magic.

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

We are not sure what Kendall’s brief was. Fly in the sky? Look like you are floating above the ground? That’s the strangest part of this picture. That, and the odd furry jacket that she is wearing looks a little like Elmo. 

Birthday bash

Being a celebrity, you get invited to all kinds of parties and celebrations. And that includes epic birthday parties! Check out this snap from rapper Cardi B’s bash. It looks like Kendall and Kirby went as a pair. Do they match, though?

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

Kirby went as a cat, and Kendall as a ball of yarn! Okay, so she’s not really a ball of yarn, but that’s the best explanation we have for what she is wearing. And it’s the best way Kirby could have taken it!

Horsing around

Green is another color that can be pretty unflattering on a lot of people. Not for Kendall and Kirby! They’re working the green on their outfits in this photo shoot. However, they seem to be wearing it for different reasons.

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

Kendall looks gorgeous, and Kirby is dressed as a jockey. He is certainly the size of one! We just wonder what the horse looks like. One thing is for sure – it will definitely be wearing some shade of green.

I Got You, Babe

This picture does not have Kendall in it, but it does feature another very well-known sister. Guessed who it is yet? It is Kim Kardashian, looking like the spitting image of Cher! Kirby has absolutely nailed the Sonny Bono impression.

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

They completely rocked the style and looked like the famous singing duo. That includes the high-waisted trousers and bright white jacket! We can easily imagine them breaking out in song, singing hits like I Got You Babe or Baby, Don’t Go.”

Bossin’ It

We wish we looked this glamorous on our way to work. Both Kendall and Kirby look like professional business people, with their striped tops and determined, fierce looks. Although, should someone tell Kendall how to wear a fanny pack correctly? Or have we been wrong all along?

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

On the other hand – does anyone else get major Anchorman vibes from Kirby’s look? Hello, Ron Burgandy! As confident as he looks, don’t stare too long at his outfit. he had a vibe in mind, and let’s just say he’s spot on.

Kool in the Kafe

It is pretty hard to believe that this one is photoshopped. Kirby managed to get the light on his face just right. He’s also nailed the casual pose, just like Kendall. However, we don’t agree with his choice of drink.

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

Orange juice straight from the carton?! That is certainly not A-List, glamorous behavior! With Kendall is sporting the fur of a chinchilla, and Kirby wearing a rug from the 80s, we’re doubting everything we thought we knew about high fashion.

Horse life

Ah, here is the horse from earlier – it must have wandered off! For once, Kirby is not the strangest part of this photo. That award goes to Kendall instead. Just what on earth is she doing on that horse?!

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

That’s certainly not how you ride a horse. Still, we are impressed with the photoshop on the shadows. It just goes to show how committed Kirby is to making these photos appear real. Bravo, Kirby – you stole the show this time!

Home sweet home

Moving is a challenge for everyone, whether you’re ultra-rich like the Kardashian-Jenners or not. But it seems like moving with Kirby is even more difficult! On his Instagram, Kirby said he was trying to play hide-and-seek with Kendall. Like they did when they were kids?

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

It doesn’t look like he did a great job of it. Kendall doesn’t look super committed to the game, or maybe she’s just gloating that she won. Even so, we bet it is loads of fun playing games with Kirby.


This picture is truly a work of art. With Kendall alone, it would make an excellent picture because of the use of flowers and details. But with Kirby included, it is an absolutely hilarious snap that we would love to hang up. We love his costume!

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

Kirby has such a talent of bee-ing an excellent photo manipulation, even with that chub-bee costume. Okay, we’ll stop with the bee puns. In all seriousness, we love the contrast between the silliness of Kirby’s outfit and Kendall’s severe and high-fashion look.

Festive Photos

Christmas is such a special time of year for everyone, and that includes superstars like the Kardashian-Jenners! Kirby did an exceptional job with this picture. It really does look like he argued with Kendall at lunch, and she is storming off.

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

He’s even trying to cover his eyes from the non-existent sunlight! We wonder what they argued about. Maybe who was going to dress up in the silliest Christmas costume? You can take your guess as to who won that contest!

Ridiculous in red

Here is a pic from another magazine shoot that looks more or less legit. We are particularly impressed with this one, especially that goofy oversized hat. Kirby must have an expansive wardrobe since all of his clothes match Kendall’s perfectly.

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

The caption is one of the funniest parts of this image. It goes to show Kirby’s sense of humor and commitment to this task. Oversized hats are in now, though we don’t think cowboy hats fit into high fashion. But what do we know?

Clowning around

Here is another picture where we are missing the joke. This time, it has another superstar model friend – Gigi Hadid. Kirby claims that he and Gigi were joking around with Kendall. For some reason, we can’t imagine that happening.

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

At least Kirby got the memo this time and came dressed in a high-fashion work look. We have to admit one thing, though – he has fantastic legs! Why Kirby is ripping up the set behind him, we will never know.


Look out, Daniel Craig – there’s a new Bond in town! Okay, so Mr. Craig’s job is safe (for now), but you have to admit that Kirby does look pretty good in this shot. He could easily be Kendall’s bodyguard.

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

What’s he protecting her from exactly? We are not sure, although Kirby did caption this photo saying that he was part of Kendall’s “Sandwich Police.” It makes sense, as your diet is very important when you are a model like Kendall.

Met Gala

This photo is more photoshop madness! We have to hand it to Kirby – he is killing it with that leg bend! Kendall might need to watch herself, as it looks like Kirby might be after her job as a model.

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

We can only imagine how hilarious it would’ve been if this were real. If you didn’t know, the Met Gala is an exclusive, invitation-only event hosted by the manager of Vogue magazine. The idea of Kirby being there is too funny!

Halloween Hijinks

Another photo for the trick-or-treat season fans out there. According to Kirby, the theme for this picture was “Dead People.” We can see that Kirby nailed that theme, although at first glance we definitely thought this was an Addams Family shoot. Those cookies look delicious!

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

They both have the same shade of white skin, which is pretty cool. Kirby looks like he went as a zombie butler, while Kendall looks like a bride of some sort. On second thought, we’re not sure about those cookies…

Yoyo champion

Honestly, we’re not sure what’s more impressive in this picture. It’s either the gorgeous black outfits the pair are wearing or the yoyo art that Kirby is doing. Kirby claims to yoyo like the current world champion, and we believe him!

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

This picture also looks like it could be the cover for a new band. The Jenners? Kirby & Kendall? Whatever their name, we can imagine that their music would be terrific. We think their style would probably be something alternative.

Looking L’Oréal

In all honesty, this picture would be great for shampoo or hairstyling advertisements. Kirby could be the before image, and Kendall could be the after image. We have to admit that they both look truly stunning in their red dresses.

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

Psst, Kirby – you might want to close your dress a bit. The cheeseburger and fries design is on display! It doesn’t surprise us that this is his choice of clothing. He does seem like a fun kind of guy.

Toys ‘R’ Us

This is another truly impressive shot. We’re not sure how exactly Kirby managed to get himself into this picture – but he did it flawlessly. Instead of being with Kendall, he’s photographed himself with Kendall’s mom and manager, Kris Jenner.

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

We don’t think that Kris Jenner would be doing her shopping at Toys R Us, though. Even if she did, there would be a ton of paparazzi and fans hounding her. Still, it’s nice to pretend that she’s like us!

Mime is the new black

The “story” behind this picture is that Kirby thought (or hoped?) they were going to mime camp, and Kendall thought they were going to a voter registration rally. It is not too difficult to see who was in the right here!

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

Even so, it’s great that they both used their platform in this way. Kendall looks as radiant as ever, and Kirby’s mime outfit is quite hilarious. Kirby said he used his mime skills to teach the youth all about government!

Austin No-wers

Anyone who has seen an Austin Powers movie will love this picture. Kirby looks like the spitting image of Dr. Evil! Kendall seems to be a Fembot from the first movie. We just can’t get over how clever they look together!

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

Our only question is – where’s Mini-Me?! Perhaps Kim is hiding away in the corner, or it could be another member of the Kardashian-Jenner clan, or one of their pets. This is a remake that we would love to see in theaters soon.

Walking the streets

It’s another supposed paparazzi shot this time. For this picture, Kendall and Kirby look like they’ve just been out shopping. Kendall must have grabbed a quick bite to eat. Kirby, being the mature adult that he is, bought toilet paper!

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

It’s a little spooky just how realistic he can make each of these pictures look. It makes you wonder how much photoshop goes in the final photos we see in real magazines. None of them could be this funny, though!

Walking the runway

Another runway pic this time, but this time Kirby doesn’t look like the strange one. Just what on earth is up with Kendall’s outfit?! We’ll never understand fashion, and if you looked in our closets, you would wholeheartedly agree with us!

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

Kirby did a great job with following the assignment. The “wings” on his shoulders look almost the same, and his makeup is pretty on point. Still, we’re are not exactly fans of the jacket. But he did his best, and fits in perfectly.

On cloud nine

The original picture looked like Kendall and her sister Kylie were floating high up in the sky, sitting on a cloud. Of course, Kirby gave it his unique twist and used a fire extinguisher instead! It was a brilliant choice.

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

We love how Kirby still managed to keep that serious look like his two lovely “sisters.” It has always been a mystery how they get the fog looking just right for photos like this. Now we know the honest answer!

Piggyback riding

The photoshop in this picture is impressive, but there is only one thing letting it down. We don’t think that Kylie Jenner could carry all four of them on her back! But then again, she’s probably pretty fit. We still doubt it, though.

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

They all look like they’re having a ton of fun. We would love to know what Kylie, Kendall, Kirby, and their friend do together for enjoyment. We imagine there’s probably a lot of shopping, pizzas, and fun times like this!


Photos like this are particularly challenging to take and edit. They are movement shots, so it’s difficult to make sure the pictures’ subjects are not too blurry. It was not a problem for an expert photo editor like Kirby, though!

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

Everything about this photo is perfect. We really like that he got the exact amount of “noise” for his part of the photo. In a photograph, noise is the extra fuzzy pixels and grains that are sometimes on the picture.

Trip to Chihuahua

It looks like Kirby borrowed Kendall’s chihuahua for this picture. We assume that they’re going to the city of the same name in Mexico, judging by their clothing. If a picture says 1,000 words, then this one is a novel.

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

Kendall looks annoyed that Kirby has taken the dog from her. Meanwhile, Kirby looks mad that Kendall tried to drive away with the dog and leave him behind! We love the effort that has gone into this picture, as always.

Slip ‘N’ Slide

Honestly, we think this is the best way to get off a plane. Imagine if they all had Slip’ N’ Slide rides like this! It’d be much quicker – and much more fun, too! It’s probably a health and safety nightmare, though.

Source: kirbyjenner (Instagram)

Still, it is pretty cool to imagine! In this picture, Kendall looks like she is too cool for school, but Kirby seems to be having a whale of a time. It’s not too clear where the water has come from, but those are unnecessary details.