40 Sole Ways To Organize And Keep Shoes Ready For Walking

By Bruna L

If you think about it, shoes are just as crucial to an outfit as a shirt or a pair of pants. The right shoe can make you go from a formal look to a casual one in seconds, no matter what else you’re wearing! That’s why having a variety of footwear is important – you never know when you’re going to need a piece that will tie your whole outfit together. But beware! With more pairs of shoes comes the need for bigger and better storage! Not everyone can afford a huge walk-in closet, though. However, you don’t really need one to store your stuff! With a little bit of creativity, imagination, and planning, you can use any space to store and organize your shoes! Don’t believe us? Well, here are 40 creative ways to organize your shoes! Enjoy!

Built-in closet organization

Sometimes you may think you don’t have enough space to store your stuff, especially your shoes! But if you think about it, you actually have plenty! What you don’t have is the ability to organize your things properly, making a huge mess everywhere!

Image Courtesy of Instagram/fitfabfunmom

If that’s your case, don’t worry! We’re not here to judge you. We’re here to help you! Just separate the things you need from the things you don’t, and make sure to store two rows of shoes per shelf! We bet you have enough space now!

A touch of your personality

If you think your house is boring and doesn’t reflect who you are, maybe changing things around is a good idea! You don’t even have to spend much money. Browse some yard sales and thrift stores, and you will definitely find something that fits your taste!

Image Courtesy of abeautifulmess.com

Those things can be applied to your closet, too! If you enjoy a more classic look for your furniture but don’t have a lot of space, buy some older shelves and crates and repaint them! You can create a charming corner to store your shoes in no time!

Modular cubbies

If you’re one of those people who get easily bored and enjoy changing everything around the house every now and then, you’re going to love this storage idea! Cubbies are amazing, but why not make them even better by making them modular?

Image Courtesy of Pinterest/simplyspaced

You don’t even have to spend a bunch of money to have amazing, stackable, and modular cubbies, especially if you want a more rustic look to your room. All you need is some fruit crates, paint, and imagination! If you want a more modern look, though, you’ll have to hit the stores!

DIY shoe boxes

Many people are into DIY stuff. Everybody has a little artist inside just waiting to come out and play, from simple household hacks to full-blown arts and crafts studios! Why not use these abilities to create customized shoe storage for yourself?

Image Courtesy of creaturecomfortblog.com

You’re going to need some generic shoe boxes, paper or fabric, and pictures of your shoes. Just cut the paper or fabric in the measurements of the box and glue them down. Then, glue the picture in front of the box, and you’re ready to organize!

Repurpose your old furniture

With the recent vintage wave that has hit pretty much the whole world, we’re seeing more and more houses being furnished with refurbished furniture! Tables, dressers, cabinets – you can find it all if you want to buy that sort of stuff!

Image Courtesy of Pinterest/archzinefr

You can even refurbish your old furniture yourself if you desire! They’re great pieces to bring some warmth and personality to your house, especially if you give them a more modern use like shoe storage and display, for example!

Crown molding shelf

If you have never heard of it before, crown molding is a decorative finishing piece used on walls, cabinets, or columns. More often than not, it is placed at the top of the room, hence the name “crown,” but in some older, fancier houses, you can find it anywhere!

Image Courtesy of Pinterest/lowes

If you have crown molding in your home or plan on installing it in the future, you’ll find they work just as well as your average shoe rack! Just make sure the soles of your shoes are clean beforehand. Otherwise, you’ll end up staining your walls!

Hooks on the wall

It’s almost impossible to live in a house and not have hooks everywhere! They can be found in pretty much any room, whether that be in the living room for your hats and coats or in the bathroom for your towels.

Image Courtesy of ikea.com

If you like the way they look and want to improve your shoe storage game, you can totally use hooks as shoe hangers as well! Just buy as many of them as you wish, choose a wall of your liking, and attach them there! That’s all it takes!

Another use for your ladders

If you’re a homeowner and had to renovate your house at any point in time, you probably have a ladder collecting dust somewhere. If it is unused now and only taking up space in your basement or tool shed, you can easily repurpose it!

Image Courtesy of Pinterest/britandco

This is the case if you enjoy buying shoes but don’t have a place to store them properly. Just hang them on your ladder! That’s right! With a bit of work, your ladder can look like a decoration piece for your house and storage for your shoes. How cool is that?

Drawers for days

There’s nothing new about drawers being great to store your stuff and save space at the same time. As we know them, dressers date back to the 16th century after all! However, today we have even less space than we did back then, and they are definitely better appreciated now!

Image Courtesy of Pinterest/modernplaceru

This is especially the case if you live in a smaller house and don’t have enough space to store your shoes! Just install some built-in drawers in your closet, and your problems will be solved! Just make sure they’re the right height for your heels beforehand!

Pallet bed for the win

If you’ve been active on social media these past few years, you have probably noticed a rise in the popularity of furniture made out of pallets. Since they are used in anything from storage to transportation, pallets are pretty much inexpensive!

Image Courtesy of southwestflorida.us

Pallets also have a multitude of uses if you’re creative enough and like doing DIY projects. But did you know they can also be used as shoe storage? That’s right! Just use the nooks and crannies of your pallet furniture, and you’re ready to go!

Wooden Shoe Rack

This one is for the people out there who love the DIY life and are not afraid of using power tools! That’s right! You’re going to need a power drill and a wood-boring bit for this, but we guarantee it will be worth it.

Image Courtesy of Pinterest/apttherapy

Just take your wood boards, mark where each dowel will be, and make holes a little over half a centimeter deep in them. Then, place the dowels in those holes and screw them in place. That’s it! You can use longer dowels for boots and shorter ones for your average shoes!

Glass bell shoe display

If you’re into gardening or interior design, you probably have heard of glass bells. In the past, they were used to keep plants safe during winter, but nowadays, they have a million different uses, including being a fancy way to protect and display your food or decoration items around the house.

Image Courtesy of Pinterest/trendsurvivor

If you have an important shoe you’d like to display, glass bells are the perfect option for you! Maybe it’s your wedding heels or some designer shoes you don’t really feel like wearing down. As long as they fit inside the glass bell, they’ll be safe and sound!

Works of art

One thing people who aren’t into shoes always fail to notice is the artistic potential of every pair out there. Of course, some can be customized, but others already look like works of art straight out of the shoe store!

Image Courtesy of theglitterguide.com

If you recognize the more artistic side of collecting shoes, maybe you want to display them just as much as you display your paintings and other knick-knacks! In this case, just place your favorite pairs on your living room shelf, and you’re ready to go!

The secret shoe closet

Despite all the progress we have made in the past few decades, some things tend to stay the same, especially houses! If you live in an older house or if you have ever visited one, you know some of them have weird nooks and crannies everywhere!

Image Courtesy of Pinterest/casacombr

But did you know you can use those places in your favor? That’s right! For example, you can turn that tiny closet in your living room into your secret shoe storage closet! Just paint the interior any color you like, and it’s ready for use!

Better divide your closet

Most of the time, closets are nothing but empty spaces with some bars where you can put clothes hangers on! This is extremely unfortunate because our shirts, pants, and shoes never look quite as organized as they could when stored like that!

Image Courtesy of designlovefest.com

But, if you’re willing to put in the work, there’s a way to fix that! Just build some shelves inside your closet and buy a couple of those plastic storage drawers! There will be enough space for your clothes and shoes, and they’ll look much better too!

Wall-sized cubby

Some cubbies are as small as entryway benches, while others can be as big as your wall. Either way, both of them have basically the same functionality. They provide small, square spaces to store your belongings in an organized manner!

Image Courtesy of shoeperwoman.com

So why don’t you take advantage of that and use them to store your shoes? Not only will they be incredibly organized and easier to find, but they’ll also work as a decoration piece for your house! That’s the power cubbies have!

Neat organizing boxes

Sometimes, you’re not a messy person. You just don’t have the time to deal with the mess that all your clothes and shoes create! If you’re tired of your stuff being all over the place, we have the perfect solution for you!

Image Courtesy of Pinterest/apttherapy

Why not give boxes a try? No, we’re not talking about cardboard boxes that’ll make your house look like it’s ready moving day, but sleek, uniform boxes to store your shoes without fuss! Just remember to slap a picture of the shoes on them, so you know exactly where your favorite pair is!

The perfect closet setup

It’s easy to create a huge mess inside your closet if you’re not careful. If there’s not enough storage space, things tend to get tossed carelessly everywhere, and soon enough, you’ll have a mountain of clothes and shoes to clean out!

Image Courtesy of stylebyemilyhenderson.com

You can easily avoid that, though! You’re going to need some clear plastic bins and drawers, as well as some shelves and hangers. Set it all up, and by the time you’re done, you won’t have to fight your things anymore just to get that particular pair of shoes you love so much!

Vintage bookcase for your shoes

Bookcases are a great way to store your, well, books! The chances of them getting damaged are pretty low while they’re sitting there! Not only that, but you can also organize them properly and make sure your collections are all neatly together!

Image Courtesy of Pinterest/cristamer

But did you know you can use your bookcases for many other things besides keeping your books safe and organized? That’s right! If you’re into shoes, you can quickly turn them into a shoe storage and display case! Things look even better if your bookcase is an older model with glass doors!

This handy-dandy creation!

If you don’t have enough space at home to store your belongings, such as your shoes, hanging things on the wall may be the only solution. For that, you can use a multitude of home hacks and other tricks, but you don’t really need that with the product below!

Image Courtesy of freshnessmag.com

Those are called “Knax Zjup” and can be attached anywhere on your wall pretty easily. They were designed with shoes in mind and each of them can hold a single pair. They are sleek, compact, and extremely useful if you have a small collection of shoes.

Repurposed magazine racks

Everybody loves a good vintage decoration nowadays, and there is no escaping them even if you don’t! From cupboards and cabinets to coffee tables and chairs, they’re everywhere! But you don’t need proper antique stuff to make your house look vintage. Sometimes a single piece of furniture can tie everything together even if it isn’t that old!

Image Courtesy of thetattoohut.com

Take the hanging magazine racks above, for example. They’re not that old, but they look antique because they’re made out of wood and painted in what can be considered a vintage color! It’s definitely a great way to store your shoes and bring a pop of life into your house!

Coffee table organizer

Since the rise of social media, especially when it comes to Instagram, being ourselves alone is not enough to keep us relevant online. We need to have a nice house, half a dozen hobbies, and pretty specific likes and dislikes!

Image Courtesy of Pinterest/apttherapy

Why not apply the same logic to our furniture, then? We don’t need just an average coffee table. We also need storage space for our shoes and a decoration piece for our living room! The table above definitely checks all these marks!

Hiding under your bed

If you tend to forget stuff you’ve bought if you don’t look at them often enough, especially if you like to store them under the bed, we have the perfect solution for you! Just install a drawer under your bed!

Image Courtesy of Pinterest/ikeanederland

Now your shoes will never be forgotten and left unused anymore! You can also buy a bed that comes with one from the store! Either way, it will be way easier to access your things left under the bed, and we guarantee you’ll never forget to use your favorite pair of shoes again!

DIY shoe rack

Pipes are one of the most versatile items when it comes to DIY projects. With the right pieces, you can create pretty much anything you set your mind to, from bookshelves to light fixtures! Pipes are your best friend if you want a more industrial look to your house!

Image Courtesy of Pinterest/futuristarch

You can even create a shoe rack to keep your shoes organized! All you’re going to need is your average pipe and some elbow and tee pieces. Attach them together like the picture above and spray paint them any color you like! Now mount it to your wall, and it’s done!

Compact plastic storage

Maybe worrying about looks is not something you’re willing to do if you’re in absolute need of more space. Sure, you could spend some money to buy pretty shelves or boxes, but why do that if you don’t really need to and that’s not your priority?

Image Courtesy of amazon.com

That’s why the plastic pockets above exist! Sure, it won’t win you any interior design awards, but it sure will provide more space for your shoes on the only place we haven’t thought of using before – behind your doors!

Industrial-looking shelves

One decoration style that has become really popular these past few years is the industrial style. If you have ever stumbled upon houses, bars, and other places with exposed brickwork and pipes, metal shelves, and low lights, you’ve stumbled upon this style!

Image Courtesy of Pinterest/refinery29

If you’re into this particular style but don’t think it would fit your home very well, you can easily tone it down and use it only as an accent for certain rooms. For example, you don’t need a full-blown metal shelf to store your shoes. An average shelf with metal supports works fine!

Wall-mounted shelves

Everybody agrees that shoes are a great way to show your personality without the risk of ever being too much. Even if your footwear is really over the top, a simple shirt and pants combo will tone everything down right away!

Image Courtesy of Twitter/ChrisKortright

But having multiple shoes require some space, and not everyone has that, right? Wrong! An empty wall in your hallway is enough! Just buy or build some shallow shelves and mount them on your wall, and you’ll have extra space in no time!

The dancing shoes

If you don’t care much about the aesthetics of your shoe stack, then this little trick here is for you! Did you know you can save a bunch of space by simply organizing each pair of shoes differently? That’s right!

Image Courtesy of theglitterguide.com

Looking at the picture above, you’ll soon notice there’s something unusual about the pairs – They’re not facing the same direction! That was done on purpose, of course, and it may look a little silly, but it will definitely free some space in your closet!

Cubby bench for your hallway

If you don’t know that yet, cubbies are the next big thing when it comes to home decoration! Cubby benches are usually compact to fit anywhere you like, but they still have enough space in them to store your things!

Image Courtesy of ebay.com

You can even use them to store your shoes! They are designed to have multiple square holes in them, which makes for a perfect place to put your shoes in! Better yet, they are so small they can be left in the hallway, so you can leave your shoes by the door without creating a mess!

Acrylic boxes

While wearing a princess dress and a crown every day is out of the question for many people out there, there’s still a whole lotta things you can do to feel like royalty in your day-to-day life, especially in your house, where you are the queen!

Image Courtesy of Pinterest/containerstore

For example, why store your beautiful shoes in some cabinet somewhere when you could use acrylic boxes? Not only do they look good and allow a 360° view of your shoes, but they’ll also make your closet look like something out of a fairytale book!

Style and function meet up

When you think about minimalist decoration, you may think about sterile rooms, void of any warmth and color. They’re just for functionality and nothing else. That’s not always the truth, though! If you know what you’re doing, you can give as much personality to a minimalist room as you want!

Image Courtesy of sagitine.com

Just because the décor is minimalistic, it doesn’t mean it will be inexistent! Take the box stand above, for example! Yes, it is quite minimalistic, but it’ll still add warmth and personality to any house! Better yet, they’re the perfect size to store your shoes, too!

Multipurpose bookcase

You don’t really need specifically-made furniture for your shoes if you think about it. Classy shoe cabinets can be pretty expensive, and not everyone can afford those! Fortunately, anything can be used to keep your footwear organized if you have a bit of imagination!

Image Courtesy of Pinterest/dicasdemulher

A simple bookcase with glass doors, for example, works just as well as any shoe cabinet! Not only that, but they are also a great way to display your heels and boots for the world to see! All of that will cost only a fraction of what a proper shoe display would!

Towel bars

Towel bars are a great way to keep your towels dry in the bathroom, but did you know they have many other uses besides the obvious one? That’s right! With a little bit of creativity, your towel bars can become an amazing addition to your closet, for example!

Image Courtesy of stylizimoblog.com

All you need is some cheap towel bars and spray paint! You can find the bars at any department store as well as the paint. Just attach the bars wherever you want them to be, paint them, and they’re ready to use! Now, you don’t have to worry about your shoes getting lost!

Gridwall panels as shoe racks

If you think about it, most stores out there have grid walls. Apparently, these metal fixtures are a great way to display your goods to your customers and can be found anywhere from supermarkets to sports stores. So, why not use them at home?

Image Courtesy of Twitter/AptTherapy

They can be attached to your wall or freestanding and are the perfect size to display and organize your shoes! Just pop them somewhere and hang your heels on them! They also bring this cool, modern look to your house, so it’s a win-win no matter what!

Hidden shoe storage

Sometimes, just having a piece of furniture that doesn’t take much space to store your shoes is not enough! Having every single wall in your house occupied with shelves for your footwear is not exactly the prettiest solution, nor the most efficient one either!

Image Courtesy of ebay.com

That’s why the little ottoman above is such a genius creation! Not only will you have a place to sit and put your feet up after a long day at work, but you’ll also be able to sneakily store your shoes and save a whole lot of space!

Plastic drawers for days

When money is short, it doesn’t really matter how much space you have available in your house, because you won’t be able to fill it with the shoes you’d like! Still, it would be great to have the option if possible!

Image Courtesy of Pinterest/simplyspaced

Fortunately, you don’t have to worry about fancy storage in this situation – any plastic drawers will do! They’re inexpensive and can be stacked for maximum efficiency. Just pop or stack them in your closet, and you’re ready to go!

Wood crates for decoration

If you enjoy going to the market and buying fresh fruits and vegetables, you might have noticed just how beautiful they are coming straight from the farm! They are usually transported in wood crates that keep them protected for long trips!

Image Courtesy of themerrythought.com

But did you know those crates are not only great at making sure your produce is fresh and crispy, but they are also great storage and decoration items? That’s true! Some sanding and varnishing, and you’ll have stackable boxes to store your shoes in no time!

Ladder shelf

Despite having so many different options of shelves out there, sometimes it still is quite hard to decide on what you want exactly. Do you want something modern or rustic? Colorful or monochromatic? If you have an old wood ladder in your home, you don’t have to think that much anymore!

Image Courtesy of collectivegen.com

You can make your own shelf using some simple materials out of wooden ladders and wood boards! Just place the boards in-between the steps and drill them in place. Now, all you have to do is decide if you want to paint your brand-new shelf or not!

The sleekest shelves

Home décor can be as varied as the people living inside them. Some people prefer a vintage approach, while others enjoy the simplicity and warmth of rustic decorations. Others go the opposite way and want minimalistic, elegant houses. No one is wrong, and there’s everything for everybody out there!

Image Courtesy of stylemba.com

If you’re into elegance and minimalism, you’re definitely going to like the shelves above. They’re as sleek as they can be and blend really well with the walls of the house! Just pop in some muted decorations, shoes included, and you’ll have a piece of stunning furniture to complement your living room!

DIY wall organizer

Everybody knows that putting up shelves and other storage options on walls is a great way to save some space around the house, especially when it comes to things like shoes. But did you know you don’t really need to spend a bunch of money on it?

Image Courtesy of Pinterest/thrillist

That’s right! With some simple pipes and creativity, you can make a pretty unique furniture piece to store your shoes in! Just cut the pipes at the length of your choice, glue them together, and attach them to your wall! For an even better finish, you can spray paint them any color you like! It’s that easy!